Brake, Clutch, Exhaust & Wheel Service
ZR1039 | Clothesline Separator
*The top of the separator features a nylon wheel for easy rolling across the top pulley line, while the bottom is designed to move with the lower line to support the weight of wet clothes, keeping both lines linked together to prevent sag and drag *One separator is recommended approximately every 10-15 feet for optimum performance of a pulley clothesline system. *This product is easy to use and is uniquely designed to resist accidental fall-off. |
Address / No. 460, Sec. 1, Jun-Gung Road, Bei-Tun Dist., Taichung 406, Taiwan WebSite / www.b-line.com.tw
Tel / +886-4-2437-6422 Fax / +886-4-2437-4185 E-mail / sales@b-line.com.tw Copyright © 2010 B line International Inc. Designed by MINMAX.